Christian responses to Arts has been ranging from ambiguous, extreme
rejection, wild acceptance, constrained and many more variations that
are not well thought nor in some cases even remotely accountable to the
Biblical Faith that we hold.In many cases, such inadequate responses
were constructed with similar weaknesses, unwillingness to think of
philosophical underlying currents of any responses to Arts today. By
rejecting to any deeper examination and constructing responses and
debates purely at pragmatic phenomenon many such responses only manage
to create more ambiguity, contradiction, and detrimental to Faith. How
would an examination of philosophical undercurrents look like? well this
model below is one of those effort to examine what are the fundamental
distinction in philosophical structure that a Christian Art Education
must developed, in effort to be consistent and not contradicting the
basic structure of Christian Faith. These 5 Basic Assumptions below were
constructed as part of a research in Theological Aesthetics, taken
primarily from Protestant tradition.

Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ ordained us His visible Church on earth to offer the Good News sincerely to all man. Through His means of grace, Reformed Today freely offer the Gospel message to anyone who is willingly believe, genuinely repent, and truly follow Him. Continuing the attested faith of Church Fathers. We strive to be truthful in exegeting the Holy Written Tradition and faithful in applying it in our daily life as a humble testimony of our living faith. Soli Deo Gloria.